Friday, November 27, 2020

Silly Mistakes You Should Avoid Creating Google Ads

Those that manage quite a few PPC campaigns can notice the silly and avoidable mistakes that you can make with your AdWords. And avoiding those mistakes would mean saving 70% of revenue. And if you aren’t assisted by a PPC agency Melbourne then you need to be more careful about those mistakes.


Below is a list of both silly and not so silly PPC mistakes


1. Bidding Broad


Every industry has its set of keywords that bring most traffic but there are more keyword variations available. For example, take long tail keywords that you can make by mixing two keywords. The cost per click is less for these keywords and they can rank higher because of close match.


2. Eying #1 Spot


Being #1 in paid search isn’t always beneficial especially with broad keyword for which you are paying a high price. An experienced PPC agency Melbourne will always fight for #3 spot because the searchers won’t stop at #1 ad and want to go down to get more options. The top spot will certainly give you attention but you would be the last option for searchers.


3. Not Using Geo-Targeting


Buyers like local connection and it is a psychological thing. It shows you recognize your buyers and respect their local areas. On the other hand, using city names in ads will get you a higher click-through-rate (CTR) resulting in lower cost-per-click (CPC).


4. Irrelevant Landing Page


Take the conversation from your ad to the landing page. Visitors will want to know more about the ads and if they find irrelevant information on landing pages, they will hit back click. An experienced PPC agency Melbourne will maintain the rhythm started in ads to the landing pages so that the visitors get what they are looking for and give business.


5. Forced Phone Number


If you are of the opinion that Internet users will make phone calls after seeing your phone number in your ads or that number will attract eye balls then you are doing a silly and avoidable mistake. It will cost you space in the ad, dollars in click and buyers in visitors.


6. Ignoring Seasonal Push


A great way to make your ads stand out from the competition is offering seasonal discounts like Christmas and other holidays. For example, take the word “free” that catches eyeballs. And if you can really give something for free, you must do it. Or you can ask a PPC agencyMelbourne to do it for you.


7. Paying for negative traffic


Not making most of negative keywords is like wasting money on visitors that would never convert into buyers. In settings, you can report keywords for which you don’t want your ads to be displayed. It is also a way of setting your ads right and saving dollars in the long run.


8. Following CTR


An experienced PPC agency Melbourne would know which ads to keep and which one to delete but others could mistake the click-through-rate (CTR) for conversion in testing. A jump in CTR doesn’t mean increase in conversion. Reading CTR could give a false impression of performance.


9. Missing Keywords


Always include the targeted keywords in your ads and make them bold for the viewers to see. It will make your ads more relevant by forcing on the selling point like a product name or service offered.


10. Not Tracking Keywords


Keep track of every visitor from your ads. Integrate your AdWords with your site analytics or set variables to track each visitor and calculate effectiveness of your keywords, ads and ad groups. An experienced PPC agency Melbourne could do it for you. 

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Simple Ways To Increase Website Traffic In Service Industry

As soon as your site goes live, you will want to see visitors clicking into the site but the wait for traffic could be longer than expected. There are many sources – Google, Facebook, email marketing, bloggers, influencers and paid traffic – but you will need SEO experts Melbourne to help.

Follow these proven ways to build your web traffic 

1. SEO 

Google can drive targeted traffic to your site, if you can optimize your website for high page rank on Google. And SEO isn’t a rocket science. Make most of image alt text, do research on keywords and write compelling meta description for on-page-SEO. Or hire an ad agency for the job. 

2. Advertise 

AdWords, Facebook ads, Display Advertising and other paid search options are excellent ways of attracting targeted audiences. Also, you can adjust your strategy to save some money while getting targeted traffic that fulfills your business goal. And when you are buying traffic, it is better to let a professional handle your PPC management Melbourne. 

3. Get Social 

Social media is open and expanding faster than other mediums. And there are many things you do on social platforms. For example, take Facebook that help in both business expansion and client service. Similarly, Google+ can help highlighting your site in personalized search results. Also, you can make a headline by saying a few words on Twitter. 

4. Start guest blogging 

Making guest posts on reputable sites can increase blog traffic to your website. It will even help in branding your business and communicating with targeted markets. If your blogs meet the standard of guest blogging, you can certainly secure posts on leading sites. If you want, SEO experts Melbourne can help in guest blogging. 

5. Check your internal links 

Backlinks can strengthen your link profile but it doesn’t mean that you should ignore the internal links that can also help in boosting your link profile. Internal linking is helpful in SEO and providing a unique user-experience to visitors. 

6. Don’t neglect email marketing 

Email marketing seems outdated but the truth is that it is still relevant. And that a simple message can give the much-needed push to your brand. It can be a powerful tool as you can do many things with your email messages. For example, a friendly email reminder can help reconnect with clients. SEO experts Melbourne are here to help in email marketing. 

7. Take advantage of videos 

Virtual content is more helpful in grabbing and holding attention of viewers. And it is easier to create attractive videos. Also, you can be as creative as you can with your video messages. And it can be in addition to the text-based content marketing. And you can go full throttle with your text and visual content. 

8. Examine your analytics data 

Google Analytics can give invaluable information on your website like popular pages and visitor demographics. And this data can be used for both SEO and PPC management Melbourne. When you know what is helping in building your website traffic, you can pay attention to those factors.