Saturday, January 16, 2021

Things to Take in Consideration While Designing Your Website

A website is designed for human visitors but it should be search engine friendly as well. The content on the site should be appealing to both the human visitors and search engines. If you aren’t taking help of a web design agency Melbourne, you need keeping the important factors in mind while designing your site.


Here’s your checklist of important web design factors


1. User friendly design


The first thing that the targeted audience will notice on your site is the design. And they expect a unique experience that you can give only by arranging all the necessary elements carefully. For instance, take background color. It has to improve the menu buttons and content pieces instead of hiding important elements.


2. Communication


Depending on the business, the website content should reflect the theme and deliver the right message. Starting from menu buttons to the footer content, everything has to be according to the marketing message. The language should be simple and it is better to include keywords in the content. If you allow a web design agency Melbourne to work on your site, it could create a better design.


3. Call to action


You have visitors on your site but they don’t know how to deal with the site. They want to place orders but the site is silent on selling product/services. You need to be very cautious about selecting call to action buttons so that you can guide your visitors to take desired steps.


4. Mobile friendly


With more and more people using their mobiles for Internet searches, you need making your site mobile friendly. Whenever it is downloaded on a mobile, it should adjust the design elements in the given space that is much smaller than a desktop. If you ask a web design agency Melbourne to suggest a website design, it will certainly recommend a responsive design.


5. Speed


It is difficult to make a site that downloads at a lightening speed but it should be fast enough to download within a couple of seconds. Internet users won’t allow more than a couple of seconds to your website to download and if it fails to download in the given time, they will hit the back button.


6. Website maintenance


What if you find broken links of your site? A visitor clicks on a given link but lands nowhere. This situation can arise anytime and if you aren’t ready to face these problems, you will your site fast descending on search ranking, popularity and traffic. And here only a web design agency Melbourne can provide real help.      


7. Contact info


Your visitors want to know contact details of your business but the details are either missing or incomplete. It could be due to a design related error or any other technical problem. But it is irritating for visitors that will instantly click back from your site. You need to be careful especially when you are designing your site on your own.


8. Follow the trends


Check what the latest trends are and try following them as far as possible. For more info on trends, you can check on your competitors to see what they are doing and how they are doing. It will give you an idea on how to tweak your website design so that it looks trendy. Or you can hire a web design agency Melbourne to make a trendy design.


Whether you design your site on your own or hire a professional for the job, your website has to score high on all the above-mentioned factors. It is always better to hire a professional for the job instead of trying things on your own.