Saturday, December 5, 2020

Benefits of SEO Services Provided by SEO Company Melbourne over Paid Traffic

SEO company Melbourne

SEO v/s PPC, the debate continues. For digital marketing, you need investing in both SEO and PPC but you can determine budget for both. And here SEO services in Melbourne have a clear edge over paid traffic. 

Advantage of cost 

One thing is clear that in PPC, you need paying for every click and it hardly matters whether the click is genuine or accidental. Hence it can be said that a user could click on your ad while scrolling up or down a page. While he will click back from your ad but it will cost you a price. On the other hand, there’ll be no such fear or apprehension with search ranking. SEO service will also cost you a price but the benefit from results will outweigh the initial investment. 

Advantage of consistency 

At the first instance, you will choose PPC because it gives instant results. Your ad appears on the web and attract eyeballs and get clicks. It is easy but what you are missing is that the click will disappear with ads. As soon as your ad budget is spent or you pause the ad group, the ads will disappear and so is the profit coming from those ads. But search rank achieved with the efforts of SEO company Melbourne will never get lost. High search rank will increase popularity of your site that will bring organic traffic to your website. 

Advantages of continuity 

Once your website becomes visible to the targeted audience, it will start appearing in organic results and bring natural traffic. SEO assures of continuity of targeted traffic to your site. Unlike PPC, the SEO traffic won’t stop abruptly, if the SEO work is discontinued for even for a short while. In PPC, you are asked to pay more for high traffic keywords but there is no additional cost with SEO. Your digital marketer will optimize your website for high search rank but charge nothing for high rank. 

Advantages of credibility 

SEO services in Melbourne are more popular than PPC because SEO is more credible. And this is evident from the debate between SEO and PPC. You will agree that Google is more reliable and that search results rankings are taken as recommendations from Google. 

SEO scores high on credibility because of following factors 

People have become immune to ads

Everyone knows that Google marks paid content with a mark “Ad” and that these ads have nothing to do with Google ranking. The traffic is bought and those that pay higher price get their ads rank over others. They know that ads do come with search results but they are more interested in search results that give more information. 

People save time by checking suggest links 

An SEO company Melbourne will make your site appear over the topmost site. Google will take your site to the top, if it finds your content most relevant with the search query. And your site can figure in the boxed space irrespective of the search rank of your website.


Google is more trustworthy

Being the largest search engine, Google is more trustworthy than any other factor. People trust on Google results. They even quote Google results in official communication. Whatever Google says is taken as truth by people. Similarly, websites ranking high on Google results get high traffic. 

Advantage of being competitive 

With SEO services in Melbourne, you can improve your search ranking and get a competitive edge over your competitors. Paid traffic can never a metric for measuring competitiveness of a site but Google ranking is. SEO is a zero-sum game that gives more visibility and profit in the long run.