Saturday, January 16, 2021

Things to Take in Consideration While Designing Your Website

A website is designed for human visitors but it should be search engine friendly as well. The content on the site should be appealing to both the human visitors and search engines. If you aren’t taking help of a web design agency Melbourne, you need keeping the important factors in mind while designing your site.


Here’s your checklist of important web design factors


1. User friendly design


The first thing that the targeted audience will notice on your site is the design. And they expect a unique experience that you can give only by arranging all the necessary elements carefully. For instance, take background color. It has to improve the menu buttons and content pieces instead of hiding important elements.


2. Communication


Depending on the business, the website content should reflect the theme and deliver the right message. Starting from menu buttons to the footer content, everything has to be according to the marketing message. The language should be simple and it is better to include keywords in the content. If you allow a web design agency Melbourne to work on your site, it could create a better design.


3. Call to action


You have visitors on your site but they don’t know how to deal with the site. They want to place orders but the site is silent on selling product/services. You need to be very cautious about selecting call to action buttons so that you can guide your visitors to take desired steps.


4. Mobile friendly


With more and more people using their mobiles for Internet searches, you need making your site mobile friendly. Whenever it is downloaded on a mobile, it should adjust the design elements in the given space that is much smaller than a desktop. If you ask a web design agency Melbourne to suggest a website design, it will certainly recommend a responsive design.


5. Speed


It is difficult to make a site that downloads at a lightening speed but it should be fast enough to download within a couple of seconds. Internet users won’t allow more than a couple of seconds to your website to download and if it fails to download in the given time, they will hit the back button.


6. Website maintenance


What if you find broken links of your site? A visitor clicks on a given link but lands nowhere. This situation can arise anytime and if you aren’t ready to face these problems, you will your site fast descending on search ranking, popularity and traffic. And here only a web design agency Melbourne can provide real help.      


7. Contact info


Your visitors want to know contact details of your business but the details are either missing or incomplete. It could be due to a design related error or any other technical problem. But it is irritating for visitors that will instantly click back from your site. You need to be careful especially when you are designing your site on your own.


8. Follow the trends


Check what the latest trends are and try following them as far as possible. For more info on trends, you can check on your competitors to see what they are doing and how they are doing. It will give you an idea on how to tweak your website design so that it looks trendy. Or you can hire a web design agency Melbourne to make a trendy design.


Whether you design your site on your own or hire a professional for the job, your website has to score high on all the above-mentioned factors. It is always better to hire a professional for the job instead of trying things on your own.

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Awesome Pay Per Click Advertising Features That Makes It Advantageous

There are reasons to choose pay-per-click (PPC) advertising over others. For example, it allows tracking to measure results. If you can manage your marketing campaigns, you can get targeted results. And you can hire a professional for better PPC management Melbourne.


Let’s quickly summarize the important features of PPC


Measurable & Trackable


It is, perhaps, the biggest benefit of PPC advertising. You can track your ads and measure results using a set of Google Ads tool and Google Analytics. You can see how your marketing campaigns are doing and how the ad budget is spent on traffic.


Total Control


PPC provides a wide range of options to allow users to reach out to their targeted audiences. For example, you can target demographics and set a date and time of showing your ads. Also, you can scale up when you see benefits and pause when you want to take a break. Of course, you will need help of a professional PPC agency in Melbourne to have total control over your PPC advertisement.


Budget Flexibility


Here you pay only when you have a visitor and you have the flexibility needed to adjust your budget to get maximum advantage of the money spent on paid traffic. For example, you can choose the keywords that have high traffic and that are pocket friendly as well.




PPC works well with SEO and other marketing channels. People using Google to find information about products and services check both search results and ads. Also, PPC can provide keywords for search engine optimization. But you will need a professional for better PPC management Melbourne.




PPC takes little time in giving results. It won’t make you wait for a long time to see your ads featuring on search engine pages and getting clicks. The moment your ads are published, you will see targeted audience clicking into your site. Also, you can pause, in case of unsatisfactory results.




Unlike SEO campaigns, PPC allows more customization in making ad settings, writing ad copies and choosing the right placement for your ads. With customization, you can increase visibility of your ads and attract more clicks. An experienced PPC agency in Melbourne can customize your PPC ads to suit to your business needs.




The PPC data available on your Google AdWords account will show how many campaigns are running, budget available and click-through-rate. Everything you need to know about your ad performance will be before your eyes. Also, Google will guide and advice on improving performance of your ads. It is called transparency that is missing in other marketing channels including SEO.




PPC advertising can help with branding as you will be able to keep your brand before the targeted audience all the time. The viewers will see your ad again and again and get familiar with your business. And once they start recognizing your business, they will start relying on your product/service. But you should involve an expert in PPC management Melbourne so that you have maximum advantage of PPC advertising.

Thursday, December 31, 2020

Know Better What Is The Role and Responsibilities of a PPC Agency

PPC is pay-per-click that is paying for every click. It is a form of online marketing but different from others. For PPC management Melbourne, you need more than simple knowledge of keywords or PPC tools. It demands an analytical bent of mind and passion to do more. 

Understanding PPC 

Paid advertising is a way to generate quick traffic to your site. Here you’re charged for every visitor that clicks into your site. It is an expensive affair but it gives highest return on investment. It is paid traffic and you can divert it to your site by paying a price for the visitors. But you need joining hands with a reliable PPC agency. 

Could I do it on my own? 

The answer to this question will give you reasons to hire a PPC agency in Melbourne and tips to find the best agency for the job. First of all, you need thorough knowledge on how things work. And here an expert can help. You can rely on his knowledge, if he proves he has the knowledge. 

Knowledge needed for PPC 

Keywords research: There are tools for researching keywords but you need more than the tools. For example, you need checking search results to explore more words and phrases to locate the right keywords. And you need finding different set of keywords to replace the ineffective phrases.

Landing page: The next most important thing in PPC management Melbourne is designing a landing page for visitors. It isn’t recommended that you land your paid traffic on the homepage or any other page of your site because the landing page has to be relevant to the keywords and the ad copy of the advertisement. 

Ad placement: It is also an important factor in PPC. Just like keywords, you can also choose space for placing your advertisement. For example, ads placed on top of a page are more visible than those placed on the bottom. Since ad placement can affect cost of your PPC, you need to choose the place where your ad gets maximum eye balls and clicks. 

Monitoring: PPC needs strict monitoring as it involves money. Your ad budget will drain with each click and if you aren’t generating profit then you’re wasting your money. You need keeping an eye on the ads so that you can pause the ineffective ads. And a PPC agency in Melbourne can better take care of your ads and ad budget. 

Trends: Another important factor in PPC is looking for trends that keep changing according to needs of people. You have a market to target and audience that you want to drive to your site. PPC tools will give you enough data to study but you need time to sit down and study the data to find the right set of keywords that can help direct targeted traffic to your site. 

Activity: For PPC management Melbourne, you remain active and vigilante all the time so that you can prevent draining of your hard-earned money. Also, you need looking for ways to boost quality of your ads so that you get additional benefits of Google and other platforms where you are running your ads. 

If you can fulfil all the above-mentioned commitments, you can go ahead and manage your PPC campaign on your own. But if you are really serious about paid marketing and want to get maximum advantage of your money then you should join hands with a PPC expert.


A PPC agency in Melbourne will charge a fee for its services but it will give desired results. You will see a boost in the volume of targeted traffic but the investment will be meagre in comparison to investment.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Improve Your Digital Marketing Strategy to Meet Challenges to Remain on Top of Google

digital marketing agency in Melbourne

Competition on the web has increased to the point where you need doing more than simply hiring a digital marketing agency in Melbourne. And there are many things you can do remain on top of search results. 

Subscribe to Google Alerts

Google will keep you posted about latest results on topics you are interested in. And it will save you plenty of time that you otherwise need investing to search latest results on topics of interest. Also, Google will tailor the results to exact keywords you use. It means you will be the first to get news about niche terms and trends in different sectors. 


Joining hands with a leading digital marketing company Melbourne to strengthen your search engine position is a great idea but you need to continue doing SEO on your site. Also, you should take interest in SEO work done your marketing partner. For example, you should ask for audit report from your digital media partner to check whether you site needs improvement. 


Write and subscribe blogs to enhance your activity. Blogs rank well in search engines because they contain information with a right mix of keywords. And you can write interesting blogs only when you follow experts of your industry. Find blogs related to your business and check the latest trends, topics and keywords. And use this information for creating more interesting blogs that are both readable and SEO friendly. 

Social Media

The second most important factor after search engine, social media has a wider reach. And here you can do many things like making posts, sharing content and giving feedback. Also, you can learn new things about latest trends happening in your industry by following key people. Your digital marketing agency in Melbourne can make a calendar of social media activities. But you can do well only with your knowledge on latest trends. Also, you should be available and active on every media that can be in any way related to your business.  

Email Newsletter

Some businesses are doing a great job by simply sending newsletters through email subscriptions. A newsletter has interesting content in a concise form. Businesses make offers and send messages using keywords. Subscribing to newsletters related to your industry will help in keeping an eye over the competition and the trends. You can check who are in your competition and what efforts they are making to woo clients.

Engaging Targeted Audience

Your digital marketing company Melbourne could increase your activity on social media but you should also be ready to take advantage of the increased activity. Look for comments and posts to answer the queries and doubts raised by potential clients. They will tell you what they are looking for and what others are offering to them. By engaging people, you can get an opportunity to convert them into buyers.

Do Networking

Networking is a great way to connect with leaders and experts and see how they deal with different situations. It is a learning curve for you as you can see the challenges ahead and solutions suggested for those challenges. Luckily there are many websites that allow networking between professionals and business groups.

Keep a Close Watch on Competitors

Your digital marketing agency in Melbourne will do it for you but you should also take some initiative to know how some competitors are doing well. The number of competitors, their search ranking, social media activities and networking will give you a better understanding on your current position and things you need doing to improve your performance.

Learn From Your Mistakes

Like everyone, you also make mistakes but not learning from those mistakes is like making a bigger mistake. Check what you did last time and the results achieved before repeating that task. 

Your digital marketing company Melbourne will leave no stone unturned to promote your brand on the highly competitive digital market but it can do better, if you can help the agency with whatever knowledge you have about latest trends in your industry.

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Benefits of SEO Services Provided by SEO Company Melbourne over Paid Traffic

SEO company Melbourne

SEO v/s PPC, the debate continues. For digital marketing, you need investing in both SEO and PPC but you can determine budget for both. And here SEO services in Melbourne have a clear edge over paid traffic. 

Advantage of cost 

One thing is clear that in PPC, you need paying for every click and it hardly matters whether the click is genuine or accidental. Hence it can be said that a user could click on your ad while scrolling up or down a page. While he will click back from your ad but it will cost you a price. On the other hand, there’ll be no such fear or apprehension with search ranking. SEO service will also cost you a price but the benefit from results will outweigh the initial investment. 

Advantage of consistency 

At the first instance, you will choose PPC because it gives instant results. Your ad appears on the web and attract eyeballs and get clicks. It is easy but what you are missing is that the click will disappear with ads. As soon as your ad budget is spent or you pause the ad group, the ads will disappear and so is the profit coming from those ads. But search rank achieved with the efforts of SEO company Melbourne will never get lost. High search rank will increase popularity of your site that will bring organic traffic to your website. 

Advantages of continuity 

Once your website becomes visible to the targeted audience, it will start appearing in organic results and bring natural traffic. SEO assures of continuity of targeted traffic to your site. Unlike PPC, the SEO traffic won’t stop abruptly, if the SEO work is discontinued for even for a short while. In PPC, you are asked to pay more for high traffic keywords but there is no additional cost with SEO. Your digital marketer will optimize your website for high search rank but charge nothing for high rank. 

Advantages of credibility 

SEO services in Melbourne are more popular than PPC because SEO is more credible. And this is evident from the debate between SEO and PPC. You will agree that Google is more reliable and that search results rankings are taken as recommendations from Google. 

SEO scores high on credibility because of following factors 

People have become immune to ads

Everyone knows that Google marks paid content with a mark “Ad” and that these ads have nothing to do with Google ranking. The traffic is bought and those that pay higher price get their ads rank over others. They know that ads do come with search results but they are more interested in search results that give more information. 

People save time by checking suggest links 

An SEO company Melbourne will make your site appear over the topmost site. Google will take your site to the top, if it finds your content most relevant with the search query. And your site can figure in the boxed space irrespective of the search rank of your website.


Google is more trustworthy

Being the largest search engine, Google is more trustworthy than any other factor. People trust on Google results. They even quote Google results in official communication. Whatever Google says is taken as truth by people. Similarly, websites ranking high on Google results get high traffic. 

Advantage of being competitive 

With SEO services in Melbourne, you can improve your search ranking and get a competitive edge over your competitors. Paid traffic can never a metric for measuring competitiveness of a site but Google ranking is. SEO is a zero-sum game that gives more visibility and profit in the long run.

Friday, November 27, 2020

Silly Mistakes You Should Avoid Creating Google Ads

Those that manage quite a few PPC campaigns can notice the silly and avoidable mistakes that you can make with your AdWords. And avoiding those mistakes would mean saving 70% of revenue. And if you aren’t assisted by a PPC agency Melbourne then you need to be more careful about those mistakes.


Below is a list of both silly and not so silly PPC mistakes


1. Bidding Broad


Every industry has its set of keywords that bring most traffic but there are more keyword variations available. For example, take long tail keywords that you can make by mixing two keywords. The cost per click is less for these keywords and they can rank higher because of close match.


2. Eying #1 Spot


Being #1 in paid search isn’t always beneficial especially with broad keyword for which you are paying a high price. An experienced PPC agency Melbourne will always fight for #3 spot because the searchers won’t stop at #1 ad and want to go down to get more options. The top spot will certainly give you attention but you would be the last option for searchers.


3. Not Using Geo-Targeting


Buyers like local connection and it is a psychological thing. It shows you recognize your buyers and respect their local areas. On the other hand, using city names in ads will get you a higher click-through-rate (CTR) resulting in lower cost-per-click (CPC).


4. Irrelevant Landing Page


Take the conversation from your ad to the landing page. Visitors will want to know more about the ads and if they find irrelevant information on landing pages, they will hit back click. An experienced PPC agency Melbourne will maintain the rhythm started in ads to the landing pages so that the visitors get what they are looking for and give business.


5. Forced Phone Number


If you are of the opinion that Internet users will make phone calls after seeing your phone number in your ads or that number will attract eye balls then you are doing a silly and avoidable mistake. It will cost you space in the ad, dollars in click and buyers in visitors.


6. Ignoring Seasonal Push


A great way to make your ads stand out from the competition is offering seasonal discounts like Christmas and other holidays. For example, take the word “free” that catches eyeballs. And if you can really give something for free, you must do it. Or you can ask a PPC agencyMelbourne to do it for you.


7. Paying for negative traffic


Not making most of negative keywords is like wasting money on visitors that would never convert into buyers. In settings, you can report keywords for which you don’t want your ads to be displayed. It is also a way of setting your ads right and saving dollars in the long run.


8. Following CTR


An experienced PPC agency Melbourne would know which ads to keep and which one to delete but others could mistake the click-through-rate (CTR) for conversion in testing. A jump in CTR doesn’t mean increase in conversion. Reading CTR could give a false impression of performance.


9. Missing Keywords


Always include the targeted keywords in your ads and make them bold for the viewers to see. It will make your ads more relevant by forcing on the selling point like a product name or service offered.


10. Not Tracking Keywords


Keep track of every visitor from your ads. Integrate your AdWords with your site analytics or set variables to track each visitor and calculate effectiveness of your keywords, ads and ad groups. An experienced PPC agency Melbourne could do it for you. 

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Simple Ways To Increase Website Traffic In Service Industry

As soon as your site goes live, you will want to see visitors clicking into the site but the wait for traffic could be longer than expected. There are many sources – Google, Facebook, email marketing, bloggers, influencers and paid traffic – but you will need SEO experts Melbourne to help.

Follow these proven ways to build your web traffic 

1. SEO 

Google can drive targeted traffic to your site, if you can optimize your website for high page rank on Google. And SEO isn’t a rocket science. Make most of image alt text, do research on keywords and write compelling meta description for on-page-SEO. Or hire an ad agency for the job. 

2. Advertise 

AdWords, Facebook ads, Display Advertising and other paid search options are excellent ways of attracting targeted audiences. Also, you can adjust your strategy to save some money while getting targeted traffic that fulfills your business goal. And when you are buying traffic, it is better to let a professional handle your PPC management Melbourne. 

3. Get Social 

Social media is open and expanding faster than other mediums. And there are many things you do on social platforms. For example, take Facebook that help in both business expansion and client service. Similarly, Google+ can help highlighting your site in personalized search results. Also, you can make a headline by saying a few words on Twitter. 

4. Start guest blogging 

Making guest posts on reputable sites can increase blog traffic to your website. It will even help in branding your business and communicating with targeted markets. If your blogs meet the standard of guest blogging, you can certainly secure posts on leading sites. If you want, SEO experts Melbourne can help in guest blogging. 

5. Check your internal links 

Backlinks can strengthen your link profile but it doesn’t mean that you should ignore the internal links that can also help in boosting your link profile. Internal linking is helpful in SEO and providing a unique user-experience to visitors. 

6. Don’t neglect email marketing 

Email marketing seems outdated but the truth is that it is still relevant. And that a simple message can give the much-needed push to your brand. It can be a powerful tool as you can do many things with your email messages. For example, a friendly email reminder can help reconnect with clients. SEO experts Melbourne are here to help in email marketing. 

7. Take advantage of videos 

Virtual content is more helpful in grabbing and holding attention of viewers. And it is easier to create attractive videos. Also, you can be as creative as you can with your video messages. And it can be in addition to the text-based content marketing. And you can go full throttle with your text and visual content. 

8. Examine your analytics data 

Google Analytics can give invaluable information on your website like popular pages and visitor demographics. And this data can be used for both SEO and PPC management Melbourne. When you know what is helping in building your website traffic, you can pay attention to those factors.